Episode 193: Cheerleader Camp (1988)


Film Trailer

Quote of the Episode:

"Let's talk about Drag Race? Musicals? What else is gay" - Joshua of Fright School

More Camp Slasher Films

It's episode 99 so it should surprise no one that we went with Sleepaway Camp 2, the delightful sequel to episode 50's Sleepaway Camp - now with 100% less baseball montages! SAC2 is arguably less transphobic, less homophobic, and definitely way more boob-filled than its predecessor, but one thing remains the same...Kids these days are only trying to get someone to touch them where they pee. For this sin, all must die. Join us as we decide which grossly inventive kill is the best and wonder how every camper appears to be 25 on this week's episode of Horror Movie Night!

Crushing beers, negging girls into some dry humping, light hate crimes and possible vehicular manslaughter - the good ol' college days all white dudes yearn to relive! Except this time, THIS THIRD TIME, someone is killing all our bros in inventive ways! Who's going to help us do kegstands now?! It's a very DUDE BRO PARTY MASSACRE III day with your actual bros Matt and Brian and their not-actual bro Scott, and you know we're just itching to finally beef. The hazing continues as we mostly just quote the ridiculousness on display in this masterpiece from the 5 Second Films crew. We've ruined your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!

Your hosts on Horror Movie Night normally review charming trash cinema....but not this week. No, this week, Matt subjected his cohosts to some serious punishment. You may even call him sick for choosing this one: 2003's straight-to-video dog turd S.I.C.K. (Serial Insane Clown Killer), aka The Room of slasher flicks. Tone deaf performances, non-existent budget (and eyebrows), bad plot, worse twist, but in the end, this MAY be a bit of a party movie, as long as there is heavy drinking involved. Note: this show does not condone overindulgence in controlled substances, but they may be helpful when consuming S.I.C.K. Get ready for slowed-down nursery rhymes, they'll be the last thing you hear before a fat bastard joyfully knocks your block off here on Horror Movie Night!