Whats new on Horror Movie Night


Newest Episodes


Episode 500: Troll 2 (1990) (f/Robert Bacon)


Episode 499: The Mangler (1995)


Episode 498: Re-Animator (1985)

The Best of Episodes

Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 9

We are as shocked as you are that we've been at this for 9 years! Enjoy some clips from some of our favorite moments from Episodes 401-450
Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 8

Can you believe it's been 8 years of Horror Movie Night?! This years best of episode features clips from 351-400
Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 7

In place of our usual episode this week we're running our END OF YEAR 7 CELEBRATION! Enjoy an hour of memories covering some of the best moments from episodes 300-350
Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 6

It's weird to think that this entire collection of clips was recorded during a lockdown and a pandemic but listening to it reminds me how much the show has meant to me and I assume others.
Now that life is getting back to normal I am stoked to get wild for Year 7!!
Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 5

It's no denying that the last 6 months have been extremely difficult and heavy but July 5th, 2020 is our 5 year podcasting anniversary. We would obviously love to be doing something more this year but as per usual we are still going to drop a retrospective of the best moments from Episodes 191-245.

When things calm, there's a vaccine and travel is safer we will give you all the love and more to ring in Year 6/Episode 300. Until then thank you for years of love and support. I Hope you enjoy these memories.

Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 4

Four Years and over 200 episodes and we're still going. Enjoy this week while we take a break but walk you through the memory lane of our favorite moments this year (specifically from Episode 141-Episode 190)

Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 3

It's been three whole years of Horror Movie Night! This year was definitely one of our most interesting years. So join us while we answer questions, listen to favorite episode moments and bring year 3 to an end and gear up for a great Year 4.

Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast: Best of Year 2

It's July 5th which means we're officially 2 years old. Check out this collection of some of our favorite moments between episode 41 and 90.

Best of HMN Podcast

HMN Podcast Best of Year 1

Today is the one year anniversary of Horror Movie Night, and what better way to celebrate than to frankenstein some of the best moments from past year into a supercut of embarrassment, drunkenness and awkward shouting?! If you're new to the podcast, this is your chance to learn the inside jokes and strange mannerisms of your hosts without slogging through 50 episodes. Sit back, crack a cold one and assume the position - it's Horror Movie Night's first bday!