Episode 111: Detention (2011)
Detention (2011) Rundown
Detention (2011) is a pretty simple plot to follow, it's just your typical meta-horror/comedy about time traveling teens battling a serial killer dressed as their favorite movie character. Along the way is some mutations, body switching and magnetic bear mascot. Confused yet? Well then join the rest of us. Adam's brain has straight up shattered leaving Matt and Scott to pick up the slack and figure out what the fuck we watched this week on Horror Movie Night!
Detention (2011) Trailer
Detention (2011) Details

Quote of the Episode:
"I think this movie is so cringey. This is the worst big budget movie we've ever discussed for this podcast" - Scott
More Post-Scream Slashers Films
It's that time of year again - the leaves are changing, the birds are chirping, your nose is bleeding whenever your crush is nearby... Ah, love. What a wondrous thing! It fills your heart with poorly-aimed arrows and your stomach with maggoty chocolates. This week, the guys get all hot and bothered with 2000's, so fire up the hot tub and put on your bikini, cuz it's gonna get sweaty - it's Horror Movie Night!
If you haven't realized, we bleed nostalgia here on HMN, so it's frankly shocking that we have gone almost 3 years doing the show and have yet to formally discuss Devon Sawa's greatest role as drowsy doper Anton Tobias in the modern classic Idle Hands from 1999! Joining us this week is Andrew Verdecchio of the seminal Christian ska band Five Iron Frenzy (can we say seminal here? Sunday School seems so long ago). We hope you like the episodes where we just recite our favorite lines because...well, you'll understand soon enough. Grab the nutmeg and oregano, we're going to party with our Jessica Alba waifus this week on Horror Movie Night!
If you're like us, you were a weird virgin in high school who probably went through a dizzying amount of hand lotion for mysterious reasons Mom didn't want to acknowledge. Come with us on a journey down Memory Lane, which dead ends at CHERRY FALLS (2000), this week's decidedly un-erotic slasher about teens banging their way away from a cross-dressing Jay Mohr. The nostalgia factor is running about as high as our hormones in 2000, but hopefully our desperation doesn't scare you away like the overpowering cologne we borrowed from someone after gym. Just like us, please?????