Episode 21: Tusk (2014)
Dust off your parka and grow out your handlebar mustache, the guys are taking you on a one-way trip to Canadia for this week's discussion - Kevin Smith's Tusk! If you squint real hard, you might be able to see Russia, but you'll never find any value in this film. Our guest Kannon tries to change our minds and we try to change his... Who will triumph and who will be die of human/walrus stab wounds? Find out on this week's Horror Movie Night!
Film Trailer
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Quote of the Episode:
"Wait Johnny Depp?" - Scott
More Body Horror Films
Adam has gone to Pittsburgh to audition for some weird late night snuff show, but while he was gone Matt and Scott watched Videodrome. Joining us this week is Alison who not only picked the film but is also Canadian so perhaps she can explain to us why Canadian horror movies are so fucking weird. Either way, LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH!
What's worse than watching Body Melt and Street Trash for your podcast? One might think "watching another melt movie" is the answer, but it's actually "watching another melt movie twice in one week because you didn't realize it was going to be picked for the podcast and you already watched it after watching Street Trash," which is just what Scott did with this week's pick - 1977's notoriously goofy The Incredible Melting Man! The plot is murkier than all the vanilla pudding used to make the effects in this film, but the guys muddle through as always. Come see the rings of Saturn with us and maybe we'll even catch a glimpse of Uranus while we're at it on another episode of Horror Movie Night!
Pop your health pills and melt those pounds away because this week we're joined by our good friend Kannon to discuss 1993's Body Melt. We would call this a bad movie but the word movie would imply that there is a plot line to be followed. Body Melt is just a collection of ideas spliced together with the hopes that it makes sense, unfortunately it doesn't. Join us while we suffer through the stages of Body Melt this week.