2025 Episodes

Episode 495: Trollhunter (2010)
Our next stop for Foreign Film February is the chilly mountains of Norway, home of the biggest, dumbest monsters according to this guy who gets paid to wrangle them. We met up with a real, life TROLLHUNTER (2010) and he had the audacity to smother us in the most horrible-smelling goop imaginable because he said, get this, it will repel trolls! He seems like a psycho but we’re a group of disbelieving college students making a documentary so let’s roll with it. What’s the worst that could happen?

Episode 494: Noroi The Curse (2005)
J-Horror was hugely popular here in the States in the early 2000s, and arguably one of the best of that time was also arguably one of the best found footage movies we’ve seen - 2005’s NOROI: THE CURSE. This is a great example of what works best in found footage, from the mysteries intertwining as the story progresses, the ramping-up of creepy occurrences, to the legitimate reasons for the cameras to be rolling. It’s a 10/10 and surprisingly scary even after all these years! Listen to us wax poetic about fetus demons this week on Horror Movie Night!

Episode 493: The Day of the Beast (1995)
We love foreign films here at Horror Movie Night, but we don’t get around to discussing them as often as we probably should, so Kyle suggested we do a month of them. To appease the horror gods across the world, we are doing it big-style with Foreign Film February! The inaugural pick goes to Kyle, who went with the Spanish black comedy Christmas/apocalypse combo THE DAY OF THE BEAST (1995). There’s a bumbling theology professor, a heavy metal guy on acid, a fake TV prophet, and the looming birth of the Antichrist - what more could you want for your yuletide entertainment (we know we’re 6 weeks late here, just go with it). Let’s save the world this week on Horror Movie Night!

Episode 492: We Are Still Here (2015)
Trudging on through this wintry weather, it’s good to know that we’ve got a trio of burnt-up ghosts waiting at home keeping the place nice and toasty for us. This week, we’re snuggling up with the criminally underrated WE ARE STILL HERE (2015), which was released to genre fanfare and immediately forgotten about. It’s a great little film and we hope you like it as much as we do, else old Lassander Dagmar might come boil your brains in your silly little skull. It’s family time on this week’s episode of Horror Movie Night!

Episode 491: Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000)
If there’s one thing this show’s hosts love, it’s movies that really peel back the layers of what film schools is truly like. Case in point, 2000’s URBAN LEGEND: FINAL CUT, a tale in which a film professor decides to steal a student’s movie and kill everyone involved so he can have the prize money and not have to be a teacher anymore. Makes total sense, right? This sequel is possibly a hair more believable than the plot of Scream 2, but not by much. Luck for us, we’re very good at suspending our disbelief here on Horror Movie Night!

Episode 490: Blood Tracks (1985)
A good chunk of us are probably buried under snow right now, so why not grab our skis and hit the slopes? While we’re at it, we might as well crank some obscure 80s Swedish hair metal but be careful - they rock so hard that their music sometimes causes avalanches! It should be fine… What’s worse is there’s a murderous group of Hills Have Eyes knockoffs chilling in the nearby factory and definitely not enough lighting on set to show the viewer who’s killing who. That’s 1985’s BLOOD TRACKS in a nutshell (we think - it was really dark) and we’re digging ourselves out of that fluffy white stuff this week; we may even shovel some snow!

Episode 489: The Gate 2 (1990)
Few horror tropes get our blood pumping quite like a little heavy metal and Satanic panic, so you must be wondering why it took us this long to get to THE GATE 2: THE TRESPASSERS (1990). Well, we don’t have a good answer for that, but we DO have a good reason for picking it now, and it has a lot to do with this baby turning 35 and our recent desire to celebrate such things on the show. Plus there’s a lot of demon poop in this one, which is objectively hilarious. So now we ask you, what would you wish for if you had summoned an 8” demon capable of making it come true (and then turn it into the aforementioned poop)… Quick suggestion, probably avoid getting your drunk dad his pilot job back right out of the gate…

Episode 488: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988)
Our tradition of letting listeners vote on the first movie of the year for us has once again led to the most obvious choice: more kinder trauma! If you’re a millenial and weren’t homeschooled in the late 80s, you were scarred like the rest of us by the visual of Christopher Lloyd’s eyeballs falling out in the family favorite WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? (1988), and we’re here to remind you about it. Welcome to the new year, try not to get dropped in a vat of caustic, toon-killing chemicals, ok?
It’s our last week of Foreign Film February and we wanted to say”bonjour!” It’s too our faces have been horribly disfigured and the masks we wear garble our already-rough pronunciations. We’re mushmouthing our way through 1960’s French classic EYES WITHOUT A FACE and it’s still impressive the amount of horror and gore they were able to display at the time of filming. Things were different back then, just look at this crazy doctor doing unlicensed experiments at home!