Episode 254: Jaws 3-D (1983)
Have you ever looked at a shark… in 3-D… on weeeeeed?? Well, today is your lucky day, as the boys are suffering through ANOTHER killer shark movie (thanks Matt), and their pain is your pleasure. JAWS 3-D (1983) is a serious pile of garbage, and we give it the dressing-down it deserves while working on our sexy tanlines. Don't be jealous, just grab the sunscreen and make sure to apply a healthy dose to our toned bodies.
Film Trailer

Quote of the Episode:
"it's not even a fun bad movie, it's slow and boring - Scott
More Stay Out of the Water Films
Surf's up, it's time to KILL! Oh, and also get down to some sweet tunes on the sand with greasers wearing turtlenecks and leather jackets for some reason. We're talking the notorious HORROR OF PARTY BEACH (1964), replete with a beach band in matching outfits, a sock-free sockhop, mutated sea monsters, and the same boring scientists giving boring exposition to pad the runtime that you know and love from every drive-in movie ever! Get some sunscreen, it's gonna be a hot one.
Just when you thought it was safe to have scuba sex in a sunken cargo ship...If last week's discussion didn't get you wet, this week's might - along with chomping on your soft throatie bits because we're talking flying mutant piranhas (seriously) with PIRANHA 2: THE SPAWNING! This film is touted by James "Avatar" Cameron as the best flying killer fish movie of all time, and we're not here to argue that claim. Death to pescatarians!
In Matt's continuing efforts to make his friends watch questionable giant killer animal movies, he has chosen THE LAST SHARK from 1981 to punish Brian and Scott with this week, and hoo boy. This film was such a blatant JAWS ripoff, that it was pulled from US theaters, which would've inadvertently saved dozens of people from wasting their time and money on watching it in 1981. But thanks to the digital age, here we are, wasting time and money watching and discussing a movie where a rubber shark drags an entire helicopter into the ocean. Summer's almost over, and so is your chance to get that beach bod toned up by a few chomps from a Great White!